This set contains puzzles which are similar to puzzles of the "Exit Exists" competition which is held at the 30th of March 2025. Choose the puzzle in the list and you will see the puzzle grid at the right. Press "Start" button to see clues and start solving. Most of the puzzles in this set are harder than the corresponding puzzles in the competition and so don't worry if you can't solve some of them. However, if you succeed in solving this puzzle set, then you can win the competition easily. In this case visit our archive where you can find puzzles for the champions.
Fill in some cell with digits from 1 to 5. Each row and column should contain two empty cells and every digit exactly once. The numbers outside of the grid indicate the sum of the numbers between the two empty cells in that particular row or column.
Grid control:
Click at a cell reveals the value chooser. Click at the selected value changes the state of the cell.
More details about grid control are at the help page.