
Rating history

Weekly performance shows the performance for daily puzzles solved during the corresponding week. It is nominated in universal scoring scale which allows to compare puzzles of different complexity. Rating is a cumulative value which is slowly adjusted every week towards the weekly performance. It shows long-term performance level. See the rating computation rules at help page.

Type performance

2131 (2 puzzles)
Blackout Sudoku
2270 (1 puzzle)
Consecutive Sudoku
1991 (1 puzzle)
1992 (2 puzzles)
Gapped Skyscrapers
2476 (1 puzzle)
Double Block
1508 (1 puzzle)
2184 (1 puzzle)
2184 (1 puzzle)
2184 (1 puzzle)
2184 (1 puzzle)
1942 (2 puzzles)
2170 (1 puzzle)
1714 (1 puzzle)
2358 (5 puzzles)
2889 (1 puzzle)
Country Road
2402 (1 puzzle)
Even/Odd Fence
2295 (1 puzzle)
Hexa Fences
2161 (1 puzzle)
Ring Ring
2040 (1 puzzle)
1878 (2 puzzles)
Choco Banana
2096 (1 puzzle)
Easy as Coral
1660 (1 puzzle)
2210 (5 puzzles)
Consecutive Double Choco
2624 (1 puzzle)
Double Choco No Touch
2556 (1 puzzle)
Slash Pack
2338 (1 puzzle)
Inverse Double Choco
1829 (1 puzzle)
Double Choco
1703 (1 puzzle)