Example puzzle

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This is an example puzzle. You can solve it the same way as you would solve competition puzzle, but result never stored. You can reveal an answer for the puzzle by clicking "Show answer" link.

Self-joint Sudoku

Author: Andrey Bogdanov

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Fill the grid with the digits from 1 to 9 so that each row, column and outlined area contains each digit exactly once. Also, all 3x3 regions are numbered from 1 to 9 in natural way row by row from the top left to the bottom right cell; if a digit in a cell has the same numerical value as its position, the cell is marked with grey, otherwise, it's white. All grey cells are given.

Example puzzle

Grid control: Click at a cell reveals the value chooser. Click at the selected value changes the state of the cell. More details about grid control are at the help page.