Orange League

Solved correctly Total solved / time
rob 20 20 / 53m 48 s
Andrzej 20 20 / 1h 5m 43 s
Fatih Kamer Anda 20 20 / 1h 12m 59 s
Gennady Korotkevich 20 20 / 1h 25m 1 s
Olga Shut 20 20 / 1h 50m 48 s
Sashika 20 20 / 1h 58m 11 s
Rakesh 20 20 / 2h 18m 45 s
salmo 20 20 / 2h 37m 35 s
Сергей П 20 20 / 2h 55m 26 s
Pi 20 20 / 3h 9m 39 s
Egor 20 20 / 3h 12m 4 s
Brett 20 20 / 3h 29m 43 s
QMD 20 20 / 28h 22m 17 s
panda42 19 20 / 1h 28m 4 s
Andrey Bogdanov 19 20 / 1h 58m 3 s
Katarzyna 19 20 / 3h 12m 13 s
T.A.R. 19 20 / 8h 40m 21 s
karzym 19 19 / 1h 3m 45 s
Zzzyxas 19 19 / 1h 23m 40 s
Adam Bissett 19 19 / 1h 34m 48 s
Cere 19 19 / 2h 25m 33 s
qw014052 19 19 / 2h 28m 38 s
s-092 19 19 / 23h 56m 25 s
Azade77 18 20 / 43m 8 s
merlingo 18 20 / 4h 49m 0 s
IrinaD 18 18 / 3h 56m 7 s
Alexandr Kirlitsa 17 20 / 3h 54m 54 s
Алексей Сотников 17 18 / 19h 27m 58 s
GD 15 20 / 6h 17m 6 s
Hazakura 0 0
League ranking based on the number of daily puzzles of the month solved during the month without error submissions. The total number of solved puzzles and solving time are considered as additional ranking parameters.
5 top solvers after end of the month will be promoted to Red League
7 bottom solvers after end of the month will be downgraded to Yellow League