Red League

Solved correctly Total solved / time
nyoroppyi 30 30 / 1h 24m 12 s
EKBM 29 30 / 55m 37 s
IHNN 29 30 / 1h 12m 52 s
qw014052 29 30 / 1h 35m 12 s
Hazakura 29 30 / 1h 39m 35 s
dennisk 28 30 / 1h 22m 36 s
strozo 28 30 / 1h 36m 16 s
fff 28 30 / 1h 46m 47 s
takumamu 28 30 / 1h 52m 20 s
rob 27 30 / 2h 3m 3 s
Para 27 29 / 2h 0m 21 s
ikuraTechno 27 29 / 2h 18m 56 s
CJK 27 27 / 1h 25m 58 s
UNP 26 30 / 1h 29m 43 s
嘉和逆天 26 30 / 1h 56m 48 s
karzym 25 27 / 2h 7m 56 s
Hunsudoku 24 30 / 1h 46m 32 s
Freddie Hand 23 29 / 56m 47 s
Muhorka 23 25 / 1h 21m 13 s
Andrey Bogdanov 20 21 / 1h 20m 15 s
League ranking based on the number of daily puzzles of the month solved during the month without error submissions. The total number of solved puzzles and solving time are considered as additional ranking parameters.
5 bottom solvers after end of the month will be downgraded to Orange League